
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Well completion

Well completion

Do you think a well is ready for production as soon as it's drilled?
Well completion is the phase that comes after the drilling of 
a well but before the well is used for production. 
The process of well completion involves a group of operation
 that extends beyond simply installing well bore 
tubular & well completion equipment. 
In fact the well completion process includes:
1-    installing & cementing
2-    running production tubing
3-    Perforating a well
4-    cleaning up or testing
Occasionally the completion design can be affected by factors
 such as a complex 
wellhead or any processing storage requirements
 affecting productivity.
Completion engineers used 2 main industrial terminologies:
1-    lower completion for the part across reservoir
sand face that includes perforation,
 flow control valves & permanent monitoring
2-    Upper completion for part above packers' assembly that 
includes safety valves, gas lift mandrels,
 tubing & wellheads.
There are 3 basic requirements that any well completion must meet.
 A well completion system must be
1-    efficient in terms of meeting all the production objectives
2-    safe in terms of a secure well environment
3-    economic in terms of the profit generated over the cost incurred
Based on the completion objectives, well completion is divided into 3 basic styles. 
These are
1-    temporary
2-    permanent
3-    workover
         The table below displays the difference between the different 
          styles of well completions

         Well completion:' its significance in productivity'
         The significance of well completion lies in the fact that it is the
         only productivity factor, amongst three, which can be influenced by 
         man to increase productivity. 
         The two other productivity factors namely Reservoir Boundary 
         & Reservoir  properties are natural factors over which man 
          has no control. 

 Well completion & skin effect
        While designing well completion factor that must be taken into
           consideration is   the skin effect. 
           Skin has a direct impact on well productivity which can
           be +ve or –ve.  Skin is the change in radial flow geometry near
            the well bore caused by flow
           convergance, wellbore damage, perforation, partial penetration and 
          deviation. The effect of skin can be seen as a pressure drop across 
          the completion this drop in pressure results from reduction in total 
          pressure available to bring fluids from a distance Re to the well 
          bore at distance Rw.the pressure at distance Re from the well
          bore axis is the undisturbed reservoir pressure.Pewhrer as the 
          pressure at a distance Rwfrom the well bore axis is the well
          bore pressure  Pwf. the resultant pressure drop is the draw down 
         that causes movement of fluids from a distance Re to the distance Rw
         There are different ways to maximize the productivity. These include:
        1-    creating highly conductive path to the well bore by fracturing the formation
        2-    reducing the viscosity by employing methods such as steam injection
       3-    removing skin by employing methods such as acidizing
        4-    increasing well penetration by perforating deeper into the formation
        5-    reducing formation volume factor by choosing correct surface separator

        Types of well completion:
            1-    open hole completion
            2-    cased hole completion "in which we use perforation"
            3-    slotted linear completion
            4-    gravel back completion

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Friday, March 2, 2012

Rig components part (3)


Wedge-shaped pieces of metal with teeth or other gripping
elements that are used to prevent pipe from slipping down
into the hole or to hold pipe in place. Rotary slips fit
around the drill pipe and wedge against the master
bushing to support the pipe. Power slips are pneumatically
or hydraulically actuated devices that allow the crew to
dispense with the manual handling of slips when making a
connection. Packers and other down hole equipment are
secured in position by slips that engage the pipe by action
directed at the surface.

Spinning Chain

A relatively short length of chain attached to the tong pull
chain on the manual tongs used to make up drill pipe. The
spinning chain is attached to the pull chain so that a crew
member can wrap the spinning chain several times around
the tool joint box of a joint of drill pipe suspended in the
rotary table. After crew members stab the pin of another
tool joint into the box end, one of them then grasps the
end of the spinning chain and with a rapid upward motion
of the wrist "throws the spinning chain"—that is, causes it to unwrap from the box and coil upward onto the body of
the joint stabbed into the box. The driller then actuates
the makeup cathead to pull the chain off of the pipe body,
which causes the pipe to spin and thus the pin threads to
spin into the box. 


Stairs leading from one level to another. Protected with


A vertical pipe rising along the side of the derrick or mast.
It joins the discharge line leading from the mud pump to
the rotary hose and through which mud is pumped going
into the hole.


The foundation on which the derrick or mast and usually
the drawworks sit; contains space for storage and well
control equipment.

Surface Casing

Usually the first casing to be run in a well. This is done
after spudding-in so a blowout preventer can be installed
before drilling is started. 


A rotary tool that is hung from the rotary hook and
traveling block to suspend and permit free rotation of the
drill stem. It also provides a connection for the rotary hose
and a passageway for the flow of drilling fluid into the drill


The large wrenches used for turning when making up or
breaking out drill pipe, casing, tubing, or other pipe;
variously called casing tongs, rotary tongs, and so forth
according to the specific use. Power tongs are pneumatically or hydraulically operated tools that spin the
pipe up and, in some instances, apply the final makeup

Top Drive

The top drive rotates the drill string end bit without the
use of a kelly and rotary table. The top drive is operated
from a control console on the rig floor.

Traveling Block

An arrangement of pulleys or sheaves through which
drilling cable is reeved, which moves up or down in the
derrick or mast.


An area cleared for moving through by personnel and
protected with a handrail.

Water Tank

Is used to store water that is used for mud mixing,
cementing, and rig cleaning.

Weight Indicator

A device for measuring the weight of the drill string.
Monthly calibration to calculated drill string weight is
required by API.
read more "Rig components part (3)"

Rig components part (2)

Engine Generator Sets

A diesel, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), natural gas, or
gasoline engine, along with a mechanical transmission and
generator for producing power for the drilling rig. Newer
rigs use electric generators to power electric motors on
the other parts of the rig.
 Fuel Tanks

Fuel storage tanks for the power generating system.

Hoisting Line

A wire rope used in hoisting operations. Must conform to
the API standards for its intended uses.


A large, hook-shaped device from which the elevator bails
or the swivel is suspended. It is designed to carry
maximum loads ranging from 100 to 650 tons and turns
on bearings in its supporting housing.


The heavy square or hexagonal steel member suspended
from the swivel through the rotary table. It is connected to
the topmost joint of drill pipe to turn the drill stem as the
rotary table turns.

Kelly Bushing

A device fitted to the rotary table through which the kelly
passes. It is the means by which the torque of the rotary
table is transmitted to the kelly and to the drill stem. Als
called the drive bushing.

Kelly Spinner

A device for spinning the drill pipe. Replaces the spinning


A portable derrick capable of being erected as a unit, as
distinguished from a standard derrick, which cannot be
raised to a working position as a unit.


The derrickman's working platform. Double board, tribble
board, fourable board; a monkey board located at a height
in the derrick or mast equal to two, three, or four lengths
of pipe respectively.


Shallow bores under the rig floor, usually lined with pipe,
in which joints of drill pipe are temporarily suspended for
later connection to the drill string.
 Mud-Gas Separator

A device that removes gas from the mud coming out of a
well when a kick is being circulated out.

Mud Pits

A series of open tanks, usually made of steel plates,
through which the drilling mud is cycled to allow sand and
sediments to settle out. Additives are mixed with the mud
in the pit, and the fluid is temporarily stored there before
being pumped back into the well. Mud pit compartments
are also called shaker pits, settling pits, and suction pits,
depending on their main purpose.

Mud Pump

A large reciprocating pump used to circulate the mud
(drilling fluid) on a drilling rig.

Mud Return Line

A trough or pipe, placed between the surface connections
at the well bore and the shale shaker. Drilling mud flows
through it upon its return to the surface from the hole

Pipe Racks

A horizontal support for tubular goods.

Pipe Ramp

An angled ramp for dragging drill pipe up to the drilling
platform or bringing pipe down off the drill platform.
A blowout preventer that uses rams to seal off pressure on
a hole that is with or without pipe. It is also called a ram
preventer. Ram-type preventers have interchangeable ram
blocks to accommodate different O.D. drill pipe, casing, or


A hole in the rig floor 30 to 35 feet deep, lined with casing
that projects above the floor. The kelly is placed in the
rathole when hoisting operations are in progress.

Reserve Pits

A mud pit in which a supply of drilling fluid has been
stored. Also, a waste pit, usually an excavated, earthen-
walled pit. It may be lined with plastic to prevent soil

Rotary Hose

The hose on a rotary drilling rig that conducts the drilling
fluid from the mud pump and standpipe to the swivel and
kelly; also called the mud hose or the kelly hose.

Ram Blowout Preventer
Rotary Table

The principal component of a rotary, or rotary machine,
used to turn the drill stem and support the drilling
assembly. It has a beveled gear arrangement to create the
rotational motion and an opening into which bushings are
fitted to drive and support the drilling assembly. 

Note the pipe spinner (in red) on the side of the swivel.

Shale Shaker

A series of trays with sieves or screens that vibrate to
remove cuttings from circulating fluid in rotary drilling
operations. The size of the openings in the sieve is
selected to match the size of the solids in the drilling fluid
and the anticipated size of cuttings. Also called a shaker.

read more "Rig components part (2)"

Rig components part(1)

The storage device for nitrogen pressurized
hydraulic fluid, which is used in operating the
blowout preventers. 

Annular Blowout Preventer
 A large valve, usually installed above the ram preventers,
that forms a seal in the annular space between the pipe
and well bore. If no pipe is present, it forms a seal on the
well bore itself. 

The space around a pipe in a well bore, the outer wall of
which may be the wall of either the bore hole or the
casing; sometimes termed the annular space.

Blowout Preventer

A large valve, usually installed above the ram preventers,
that forms a seal in the annular space between the pipe
and well bore or, if no pipe is present, on the well bore


The braking device on the drawworks to stop a load being

Bulk Mud Components in Storage

Hopper type tanks for storage of drilling fluid components.

Casing Head

A heavy, flanged steel fitting connected to the first string
of casing. It provides a housing for slips and packing
assemblies, allows suspension of intermediate and
production strings of casing, and supplies the means for
the annulus to be sealed off. Also called a spool.


A spool-shaped attachment on a winch around which rope
for hoisting and pulling is wound.

Catline Boom and Hoist Line

A structural framework erected near the top of the derrick
for lifting material.


The ramp at the side of the drilling rig where pipe is laid to
be lifted to the derrick floor by the catline or by an air


A pit in the ground to provide additional height between
the rig floor and the well head to accommodate the
installation of blowout preventers, ratholes, mouseholes,
and so forth. It also collects drainage water and other
fluids for disposal.

Choke Manifold

The arrangement of piping and special valves, called
chokes, through which drilling mud is circulated when the
blowout preventers are closed to control the pressures
encountered during a kick.

Conductor Pipe

The largest diameter casing and the topmost length of
casing. It is relatively short and encases the topmost
string of casing. 
Crown Block and Water Table

An assembly of sheaves or pulleys mounted on beams at
the top of the derrick. The drilling line is run over the
sheaves down to the hoisting drum.

The equipment used to remove unwanted gas from a
liquid, especially from drilling fluid.


A centrifugal device for removing sand from drilling fluid to
prevent abrasion of the pumps. It may be operated
mechanically or by a fast -moving stream of fluid inside a
special cone-shaped vessel, in which case it is sometimes
called a hydrocyclone.


A centrifugal device, similar to a desander, used to remove
very fine particles, or silt, from drilling fluid. This keeps
the amount of solids in the fluid to the lowest possible


A small enclosure on the rig floor used as an office for the
driller or as a storehouse for small objects. Also, any small
building used as an office or for storage.


The hoisting mechanism on a drilling rig. It is essentially a
large winch that spools off or takes in the drilling line and
thus raises or lowers the drill stem and bit.

Drill Bit

The cutting or boring element used in drilling oil and gas
wells. Most bits used in rotary drilling are roller-cone bits.
The bit consists of the cutting elements and the circulating
element. The circulating element permits the passage of
drilling fluid and uses the hydraulic force of the fluid
stream to improve drilling rates. 

Drill Collar

A heavy, thick-walled tube, usually steel, used between
the drill pipe and the bit in the drill stem. It is used to put
weight on the bit so that the bit can drill.

Drill Pipe

The heavy seamless tubing used to rotate the bit and
circulate the drilling fluid. Joints of pipe 30 feet long are
coupled together with tool joints.

Driller's Console

The control panel, located on the platform, where the
driller controls drilling operations.

Drilling Line

A wire rope hoisting line, reeved on sheaves of the crown
block and traveling block (in effect a block and tackle). Its
primary purpose is to hoist or lower drill pipe or casing
from or into a well. Also, a wire rope used to support the
drilling tools.

 Electric Control House

On diesel electric rigs, powerful diesel engines drive large
electric generators. The generators produce electricity that
flows through cables to electric switches and control
equipment enclosed in a control cabinet or panel.
Electricity is fed to electric motors via the panel.

Electric Cable Tray

Supports the heavy electrical cables that feed the power
from the control panel to the rig motors.


A set of clamps that grips a stand, or column, of casing,
tubing, drill pipe, or sucker rods, so the stand can be
raised or lowered into the hole.

read more "Rig components part(1)"

Xmas Trees

Xmas Trees

Primary flow control system for well once in production
Features and access requirements
Outflow from well - production
Inflow to well - injection or killing
Vertical access to tubing - wire line, coiled tubing

Xmas Tree Components
Pressure gauges (accessory)
safety hazard / potential wrong pressure readings
Gauge flange or tree cap
provides seal for top of tree
Lubricator valve
isolate pressure, well access for intervention tools
Flow tee
used to direct flow, enable thru-tubing access
Production wing valve
used to isolate well for most routine operations
Kill wing valve
enables connection of pumping equipment
Choke (accessory)
controls rate of flow from well
Master valves (main isolation valves)
Upper Master Valve (operational valve), optional: hydraulic / pneumatic controlled
Surface Safety Valve
Lower Master Valve (back-up valve)
  manually operated

 Categories of Xmas Tree
Flanged tree
Several flanged components
each connection is a potential leak path
Much more common than monoblock design
More flexible than monoblock design
takes up more space (height)
Monoblock construction tree
Single block construction
Fewer possible leak paths
Used in high pressure/leak sensitive locations
Monoblock Xmas Tree
Comprises inline or "Y" shaped block of single casting/forging
Valving arrangement
Lower Master Valve (manual)
Upper Master Valve (Surface Safety Valve)
Y piece or side outlet flanges
houses both production and kill wing valves
Uppermost valve (manual swab valve)

  Multiple Completions
Cases where more than one completion string installed
Each string independently suspended
Must seal off tubing casing annulus
either independently or collectively
Independent control of fluid flow in each string
Xmas Tree Selection
produce a listing of the parameters of the anticipated process or operating envelope
- Classify the Well Type
  Water Well ( low or medium pressure, Rate )
  Oil Well (low, medium or high pressure, GOR, Rate )
  Gas Well ( low, medium or high pressure, WGR, Rate)
This will be the basis for the design and the selection of equipment type and rating

wellhead installation

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